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Important Customer Notice

We Are Open For Business

We are delighted to announce that we will be re-opening the showroom for business as of Monday 18 May.

We want to assure all of our customers that the safety and wellbeing of our customers and staff is our priority, and we will take all necessary precautions to ensure their continued welfare.

We are following all of the government guidelines and taking the recommended precautions to keep our customers and staff safe.

There are strict limits on the number of people allowed in the showroom at any one time, social distancing will be observed and we have implemented a strict cleaning regime. Our non-contact approach for greetings for staff and visitors also remains in place.

If you prefer not to visit the showroom we can undertake meetings via telephone and email. We have the facilities to undertake Zoom meetings and share designs on-line.

Our policies and procedures will be constantly updated as the situation continues to develop. If you have any queries please do speak with a member of our team.

Polite request: If you’re feeling under the weather, are showing any signs of a cold, cough or any Covid 19 symptoms, for the safety of everyone we ask you to please not visit us until you’re feeling better and/or are out of your self-isolation period.

We look forward to your continued custom.


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