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Metallic Chic in the Kitchen

Metallics have been popular in the kitchen for some time now. They can be warm and striking at the same time, offering a touch of drama and luxury to the room.

For some adding a few touches of metallic is as bold as they wish to go, but the new Linear Lustre Metallic door from Mackintosh offers a stunning opportunity to combine a metallic finish with dramatic shades of Grey and Black to create a sophisticated kitchen with a luxury feel.

A contrasting copper trim is used to great effect in this kitchen that incorporates three of the latest doors to be released by Mackintosh Kitchens; Chic Dusk Grey, Graphite and Linear Lustre Metallic.

The Copper is highlighted with the use of accessories, such as the light shades, taps and worktop appliances.

These new metallics are available to order now, why not call into the showroom and find out more. In the meantime take a look at our recent case studies to find out more – we look forward to seeing you soon.


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